Sundo View

China theme park in the multi-core marketing era

Theme park is a cultural, economic and entertainment complex. The brand value reflects not only its competitive force but also its ability to win the effective allocation and development. Brand value is the soul of the theme park, the industry, nature, culture and economy is the decisive elements, all these combined determine the brand essence.  

Sundo has always been committed to the brand value research of theme parks. From our multiple years’ experience in theme park brand marketing area, we found that brand engine culture is inseparable from brand building. The brand engine is the industry brand system behind the park core value, such as the cultural industry, folk industry, the technology industry, etc. and we call it "theme park brand-driven nuclear." Typically, city with multi-core driver theme park is better than city with single-core driver theme park on economic growth and urbanization level, the higher the value of its brand in attracting talent and capital, also more competitive than single-core driving city. 

After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's urbanization level is approaching 50%, and per capita GDP over $ 3,000. Chinese cities usher in rapid development period. As urban cultural and recreational economy, cultural attractions and theme parks attract more attention.  From large urban strategy to small regional planning, relatively closed single-driven economic model has gradually been abandoned, more and more city hopes to build a more successful theme park brand engine, choosing an open, pluralistically cultural resources model which also can be fully docking with the outside world to build export-oriented theme park brand.

 The change of theme park brand-driven model is a new topic of urban leisure brand marketing.

Today, the theme park brand marketing strategy is not just the packaging, communication & leisure, entertainment and other primary concepts. According to the urban development strategy of urban theme park engine brand, It needs more thorough combing, analyzing urban natural, ecological recreational resource to explore the advantage of city leisure, culture and tourism and other resources, at last to realize China's urban theme park brand multi-core marketing.